
This is an addendum blog to my online multimedia short story site called, Stories of the Flea. Mainly I write stories, but sometimes I do visual and audio renditions. There are some stop motion videos up there now (Pyramid Test and Seasoned Greeting) and I am currently working on a photo-comic book and some podcasting audio for the short stories. Not only do you get the written text, but you also get someone to read it to you. These are listed along the sidebar where it says STORIES. On every story I have crafted an individual page with header for each. As a bonus you get a review of the Guest Artist who has loaned me the rights to their piece.

On this blog I will keep my day to day notes that will probably make their way into some story or another. There is no editing here. That all belongs on the other site. This is me. Raw. Not that you care. Well, you might. You did find your way here. This whole diatribe is designed just to remind me what I am supposed to be doing with this thing. Writing for the sake of writing.

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